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你的交易数据有巨大的力量。尽可能明智地使用它。Flexport 飞协博贸易顾问检测和设计新的策略,以减少风险,优化你所有交易的性能。

Deeper Conversations. Higher Bottom Line.

Minimize duties

Duty minimization is possible, but it takes expertise to get right. Our team can guide you through origin and tariff engineering, duty drawback, and more.

Reduce compliance risk

ACE Analysis plus expert review can uncover and mitigate compliance gaps lurking in your data.

Optimize trade strategies

Make free trade agreements work for you. Our team provides the creativity and guidance for your supply chain as trade agreements change.


小小的产品改变 显著降低关税


$74.4 billion

Amount U.S. importers paid in duties in 2020

$40 million

Amount Flexport Trade Management saved clients in 2020

<1 hour

Time it takes to start a free consultation with a Trade Advisor

Start Today

Standing by to save you money

It can be daunting to compile data, store records, or manage emails. All you need to do is start the conversation.