Customer Success
Klean Kanteen 减少数据汇总时间及数百吨二氧化碳排放
减少了过去与代理商往来沟通和编写报告花的时间——为物流经理每周节省 小时工作量
二氧化碳排放量降低 吨(基于 66% 的年空运减排率的估算)
Klean Kanteen 减少数据汇总时间及数百吨二氧化碳排放
Klean Kanteen 是一家不含双酚 A (BPA) 且可重复使用的水瓶、水杯和罐子的全球领先供应商。Klean Kanteen 总部位于加利福尼亚州奇科市,产品生产基地主要位于中国深圳,并将产品分销至全球七大洲。
作为一家经过认证的共益企业 (B-corporation),Klean Kanteen 依靠可靠数据了解公司供应链对环境的影响。传统货运代理商几乎无法提供任何数据透明度,也没法在报价时预估他们的碳排放量。这导致了大量的人工计算和繁琐的核对工作。
与 Flexport 合作后,每件货运预计产生的二氧化碳的排放量在订舱前就能在统一的平台中查看到。Klean Kanteen 现在可以更快、更好、更具战略性地制定决策,并与公司使命保持一致。
我们的底线不仅仅只是盈利。Flexport 让我们有能力面对险难的权衡抉择,并且承担起我们的责任,帮助我们在可持续性上付诸行动。
With Flexport, estimated CO2 emissions per shipment are available in one place, prior to booking. Klean Kanteen now makes decisions that better align with its mission more strategically and quickly.
Klean Kanteen 是如何找到 Flexport 的
在 2016 年,Klean Kanteen 的供应链高级经理 Brett Renlund 看到了 Flexport 首席执行官 Ryan Petersen 发表的一篇博客文章,文中提到 Flexport 与哈佛大学咨询集团 (Harvard College Consulting Group) 开展的一项合作,目的是开发一种有效预测排放量的工具。
Flexport 的独特之处
使用了 Flexport 平台后,Klean Kanteen 开始将 Flexport 与传统的货运代理商进行一一对比,对其进行评估。“Flexport 颠覆了整个货运行业的传统。没过多久,我们就准备将大部分货物交由 Flexport 负责运输。这是一个明智的选择。”Renlund 指出。
Klean Kanteen 能够从一个统一的平台管理整个供应链,协调合作工作也更加顺利。“我只要动动手指就能获得所有准确信息,因此能够更好地与财务、采购规划以及我们的仓库团队合作。”Klean Kanteen 物流经理 Jim Guenza 说道。
从服务角度来看,Klean Kanteen 觉得他们与 Flexport 运营团队的合作十分紧密。“说实话,我很高兴能与这支团队合作。他们通常比我更了解我们的需求和货运业务。”Guenza 表示,“物流环节总是有很多突发情况,这就是物流业务的特点。但我知道 Flexport 正在尽其所能,我自己就可以从平台上看到正在发生的事情,让我毫无后顾之忧。”
对于 Klean Kanteen 来说,实现公司使命的核心在于能够在环境影响方面的做出明智决策。“去年,我们 1% 的货运是通过航空运输完成的,这占据了我们碳排放量的 30%。”Renlund 表示,
“Flexport 帮助我们更好地制定计划,并尽可能地巧妙避免选择空运。这种控制能力让世界从此不同。”
The Flexport Difference
Once on-boarded onto the Flexport platform, Klean Kanteen got to evaluate the company side-by-side with its traditional freight forwarders. “That was the game changer. It didn’t take long before we were ready to switch the bulk of our freight to Flexport. It was a no-brainer,” notes Renlund.
The ability to manage the entire supply chain from one centralized place enables the Klean Kanteen team to work better, together. “Having everything accurate and at my fingertips allows me to work better with finance, demand planning and our warehouse team,” says Klean Kanteen Logistics Manager, Jim Guenza.
Ongoing Partnership
From a service perspective, Klean Kanteen feels connected to their Flexport operations squad. “Honestly, I love our team. They often know even more about our needs and our shipments than I do,” says Guenza. “There are always things that pop up in logistics; that’s the business. But with Flexport, I know they’re doing everything they can and I can see for myself in the product what’s happening. That peace of mind is huge.”
For Klean Kanteen, the ability to be deliberate in decision-making when it comes to environmental impacts is central to the company’s mission. “Last year we moved 1% of our freight by air, and that accounted for 30% of our carbon emissions,” says Renlund.
“Flexport helps us to plan better, and strategize to avoid air shipments whenever possible. That control makes all the difference in the world.”