Customer Success
Qardio 如何将数据置于其业务核心
使用 Flexport 后每周节省 小时
改用 Flexport 后空运量减少
使用 Flexport 后与 FDA 相关的延迟减少
Qardio 如何将数据置于其业务核心
Qardio 是一家总部位于旧金山的心血管监测公司,负责为消费者和医生开发智能可穿戴设备和软件,以便更好地跟踪心脏健康状况。他们品牌的核心是关于该公司如何从一家初创企业跃升到 400% 收入增长的成长、产品开发以及经验教训的故事。
作为一个小品牌,Qardio 很难找到一 个能够提供他们想要的客户服务水平的货运代理。由于他们的物流团队几乎不了解货物的运输情况,因此他们要花大量时间跟踪货物,而代价就是无法改善运营。
通过 Flexport,Qardio 找到了一家能使他们对自己的供应链充满信心的货运代理。通过集中货运数据访问和主动沟通,Qardio 的物流团队能够了解产品运输环节的每一步,这减少了跟踪货运的时间,降低了每次发货的支出,并减少了发货延迟。
我只试用了一次他们的货运服务就意识到:这家公司的人不简单。Flexport 平台提供的通信和数据访问水平不同于我在任何其他货运代理获得的体验。
With Flexport, Qardio has found a forwarder who gives them confidence in their supply chain. Access to centralized shipment data and proactive communication has given Qardio’s logistics team transparency into each step of their product’s journey, reducing the amount of time spent tracking shipments, money spent per shipment, and shipment delays.
作为 Qardio 公司的物流主管,Robert Tregaskes 对不断壮大的品牌面临的货运挑战并不陌生。除了监督供应链的各个方面之外,Tregaskes 在 2015 年还领导了为这家当时规模较小的公司挑选货运代理的工作。
“在试用了几家货运代理后,我意识到,对我来说,价格并不是决定因素,”Tregaskes 说。“当每个货盘都价值数万美元的时候,你就会对货物所处的位置非常敏感。我在寻找一个能让我自信地管理公司货运的代理。”
通过 Flexport,Tregaskes 找到了他一直想要的特别货运代理。“我只试用了一次他们的货运服务就意识到:这家公司的人不简单,”Tregaskes 回忆说。Flexport 平台提供的通信和数据访问水平不同于我在任何其他货运公司获得的体验。”
在 Qardio 的早期,与 Flexport 的合作对它们的运营产生了巨大影响。“以前,由于我对货运状态的了解很少,因此我不相信货运代理能在 30 天的中转时间内处理海运,”Tregaskes 说。“有了 Flexport,我的空运货量减少了一半。”
今天的 Qardio 看起来有些不同;自开始与 Flexport 合作以来,Qardio 公司的收入增长了 5 倍,与 FDA 相关的延迟减少了 95%,产品线扩展到 3 个,同时保持了一个只有两个人的精益物流团队。“在与 Flexport 合作之前,我曾打算雇佣一个人,他唯一的工作就是跟踪货运,”Tregaskes 说。“多亏了为我们服务的 Flexport 的专属团队,我们现在及以后都不需要雇佣一个专门追踪物流的人员。”
对 Qardio 来说,与 Flexport 合作的最大好处是,他们的供应链达到了一个全新的透明水平。“一眼就能知道每批货物在哪里,这是一种很棒的感觉,”Tregaskes 说。“平台上集中了货运数据、文件和信息,这就是 Flexport 每次都能让我放松心情的原因。”
随着自身业务的发展,Tregaskes 找到了参与 Flexport 产品开发的机会。“Flexport 不仅是我们的货运代理——他们还是我们的合作伙伴。他们能快速接受反馈意见,并且正在努力优化平台,让我的工作更轻松,”Tregaskes 说。“这种孜孜以求的精神是我选择 Flexport 的原因,也是我继续选择他们作为合作伙伴的原因。”
Growing Leanly
In the early days for Qardio, working with Flexport made a big impact on their operations. “Previously, with how little visibility I had into shipment status, I didn’t trust forwarders to handle ocean shipments with 30-day transit times,” says Tregaskes. “With Flexport, I’ve been able to cut my air shipments by half.”
Things look a bit different at Qardio today; since beginning to work with Flexport, Qardio has been able to grow revenue by 5x, reduce their FDA-related delays by 95%, and expand to three product lines, all while maintaining a lean logistics team of only two people. “Before Flexport, I was going to hire someone whose sole job would be tracking freight shipments,” says Tregaskes. “Thanks to our team at Flexport, I didn’t have to hire that person, and I’ll never have to hire that person.”
Partners in Growth
For Qardio, the greatest benefit of working with Flexport has been a new level of clarity into their supply chain. “It’s a great feeling to be able to know where each shipment is at a glance,” says Tregaskes. “The centralization of shipment data, documents and messages on the platform is the reason why Flexport wins for me hands-down every time.”
Along with growing their own business, Tregaskes has found opportunity to be involved in Flexport’s own product development. “Flexport is more than just a forwarder for us—they’re our partner. They’re very responsive to feedback, and are working hard to build a platform that makes my life easier,” says Tregaskes. “That level of dedication is the reason I chose Flexport, and the reason I continue to choose them as a partner.”