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Do Foreign Importers Need an EIN to Import Into the U.S.?

Foreign importers do not need an EIN to import into the U.S. Foreign importers will be assigned a CAIN instead.

Do Foreign Importers Need an EIN to Import Into the U.S.?

No, you do not need an EIN (Employer Identification Number) to import into the U.S. If you are importing to the U.S. as a foreign importer of record (you do not have a U.S. entity or presence) and you do not have an EIN, Flexport can apply for a CAIN (Customs Assigned Importer Number) on your behalf. A CAIN is assigned to importers who don’t have an EIN. If importing into the U.S. with a CAIN, a U.S. business will need to be named as an ultimate consignee.


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